Hello…Hello…Hello…Is there anybody out there…just nod if you can feel It…or are you just sitting in your home…
WOW! What a few months it has been and continues to be… So how safe are you feeling…all good? Are you OK with everything?… Are you going out?… Are you acting all 2019?? Are you over in the corner trembling… hoping it doesn’t get you… are you wishing you could call your mom… hoping this is all a bad dream? Are you still angry… frustrated… confused by all the semi-masked freedom seeking protesters screaming outside or is it all the semi-masked freedom seeking protesters screaming inside!?… Fun stuff, huh?… This is some crazy life we are living… some more than others… fortunately and unfortunately.
I don’t have all the answers…nor do I have the audacity to think I can get all the answers from the internet or from my favorite TV channel or by following my high school friend on social media and then educate myself about everything in a few short months. Let’s all take that proverbial deep breath… and now exhale… We will get through this… We are getting through it.
It has been 5 months since we closed our office and it has been just over a month since we have reopened. Things have been going well. It has been great reconnecting with all of you and assisting you find your balance as you navigate your pandemic… whether that dis-ease be with your health, your finances, or your level of social awareness. But, let’s be honest… everyone who I’ve treated since our reopening has been affected by all three… There is no separation.. there isn’t a this or that… no us or them… on all levels… we are all affected. Some of you have heard me say it at the office… “emotional becomes physical.” And that is what I am seeing at the office since our reopening… the stress is getting to us… it is tearing at our collectiveness.. our unifying thread… causing symptoms within the individual and manifesting as a dis-ease complex… a pandemic.
The summary… we are treating a bunch of symptoms associated with stress and symptoms associated with changes in everyone’s activities of daily living… work is at home, school is at home, exercise/no exercise is at home…
As far as COVID-19, we continue to follow strict protocols which include the 3W’s…wearing a mask, washing your hands, and watching your distance. Pretty basic stuff which will protect our office, our other patients and you. (I do need to mention, although mind boggling that I do, that a mask only works if it covers your nose and mouth… otherwise you really just look silly and selfish). Appointment times are still limited at the office and we are still not seeing new patients. We also continue to provide chiropractic manipulation (an adjustment) as our “only” type of treatment…(since we are a chiropractic office)… Dependent on your condition and your insurance coverage we often refer patients for physical therapy and/or to other health specialists. The protocols we have implemented concerning COVID-19 are aimed at protecting our Causeway Chiropractic patients, our staff, as well as their extended contacts. These protocols limit possible exposure time within our enclosed office setting where multiple patients are treated on a daily basis by way of direct physical contact. Thank you for continuing to respect our policies, so that we can responsibly serve you and others within your community.
There is no significant positive or consistent therapeutic medical treatment for COVID-19, but holistically, patients must remember the basics of preventative health…maintain a healthy diet (preferably whole food plant based), take supplements when needed and appropriate, get plenty of rest and exercise/stretch. The secret is we already have the tools.. trust yourself and listen… then act. Causeway Chiropractic’s mission continues to be “to use our knowledge and experience to assist each patient as they strive toward wellness.” If you prepare and go into each sunrise with a solid foundation you will survive to enjoy each sunset from the structure you built that day.
Yours in Health,
Dr. Bott
* Attached is a newsletter I wrote almost 16 years ago. I feel it is appropriate for this year, 2020. Because change continues to happen and continues to cause angst and continues to cause dis-ease. https://wp.me/a3xTEi-ij
* I am also attaching a helpful link with daily COVID-19 updates. https://www.covidactnow.org/?s=662109